I worked for my first day in six weeks. I sliced some meet, made some sandwiches, and changed the world. Yes that is correct, I work in a deli. Again this town has yet to show me a mean person, much different than the last place we lived.
Kellie's work is going just fine, but the weather is hindering our outdoor lifestyle. Lets just say we are more of the fair weather hikers. It seams to be clearing up and soon we will be spending our days outside rather than renting videos.
I have added some new things to the blog, sorry about selling out to the adds, but they pay me, very little, but some. If you see something you like click on it, it only helps us both. Also the links at the top are two of our favorite sights to start the day with a smile. So have fun if you have any ideas for the blog please email us with your ideas.