By this picture you would think, how could anyone have a problem with a cat this cute. Let me tell you, it takes work, at doing nothing, to look that good. Two days ago I noticed that she was staring at the oven, she tends to space out so this did not surprise me that much. Yesterday as I was running out the door to work I saw it; a rabies, flea infested, hanta virus ridden mouse. I have had many strange things make it into my house, bed bugs, sand fleas, tarantula, and recently a very large caterpillar, but never a mouse. I was a big elephant in headlights. I did not know what to do. I looked to my left then to my right. Do I call Kellie? Do I try to catch it and risk a series of rabies shot so painful death would be pleasurable? No, turn on all the lights in the house so that it thinks it is day time. They are nocturnal after all.
I finished work and ran directly to the only store open at 3:30 am, Walgreen's. This turned into an adventure in itself. Do you know who shops at Walgreen's at 3:30 am? No one normal. I soon found myself in a best mouse trap, bed bug, and various other pest problems with a very nice but very strange clerk and an over pierced, painted face, ripped skirt punk rocker chick. I must say my life is nothing but boring.
Back to the main problem at hand. As of day one, no mouse has been caught, and we all know that princess cat of ours will never touch a dirty little mouse.