What bug did you find today? Everyday I get to ask Kellie that very question. Our little friend seen above found its way into the house, not sure how I have not seen any holes big enough for him, the other night. He began flying around in a frenzy. For all of you who have not encountered a R.O.U.S. roach of unusual size, it is frightning. They make a loud clicking sound as they fly irratacally, banging into everything, all you can do is duck and wave a shoe in the air hoping to kill it with luck. What I really needed in this situation was a karate kid with some chopsticks.
We had a wonderful Christmas dinner on St John at ZOZO's. Food was great, veiw was great, but the company was the best, Kellie. Thanks for all the love you have all sent us over the holidays. For all of you that believe in a higher power, pray for our jeep. We take it in tomorrow and it is going to need all of you prayers. While she is in the shop we are heading back to St John to do some hiking. I will try to get some good photos for you all. Till next time.
Yes that is a photo of my future boat.
That is so big! I'm sorry Kellie-- bug duty falls to my husband or the man we hire to deal with it. Maybe Mat is qualified.
As for the pee post-- Rich wanted a retraction that claimed it was Mat's DNA that caused the drama, not his. He's sure Mat did something like this as a kid-- he swears he never did..
I DO NOT miss those monster roaches, they were all over in Hawaii too. Careful, when I would spray Raid at them they would fly at me instead of away from me!
jen and i are familiar with roaches of unusual size having lived in georgia. we eventually gave up the battle and started naming them as pets.
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