This week has been very interesting and frustrating. The law here requires you to have a health card in order to work in the service industry. I am now going into the details of what it took for me to get this ever important card. It is rated PG-13 so send your little ones to bed.
It all started with a trip to the hospital where we had to negotiate with the security guard to let us through without leaving our IDs, because we need them to get the cards. Yes if it is the law to have this card you would have thought that they would have already addressed this problem, but no. After wandering though poorly marked hallways we came to the health center reception desk, where we could not understand the Westindi ladies dialect. Luckily some state side person heard our plight and came to our rescue. We had to go to another clinic to pick up our sample cups and bring it back Monday morning.
Monday morning I woke up and held the cup under me and dropped a good sized poo sample into the cup. After I finished gaging I wrapped it up in a plastic bag and hopped on the bus for the hour comute while holding my presious cargo in my hand. The good news is they checked me for but worms and I am but worm free! A few days later I was able to return to the hospital for more frustrating nonsence and picked up my card, glad that is done.
All is well here, the jobs are going good, life is good. We have started renting tv seiries to watch. Right now we are finishing up House, great show. As frustrating as life down here can be, we do not have to wake up early to scrape the ice off my windsheild. We miss fresh food, we are tired of dollar hot dogs and ramen noodles. Thank you all, we miss you.
Glad to hear you are butt worm free, our dog is also. Yay!
Only you would put a pix like that on a card. You're a nut. It snowed four inches here yesterday. Miss the sun.
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